A computer is just a box of circuits, transistors, resistors and other electrical engineering words. Left to its own devices, you can’t really do anything with it. You need software, right? Of course you do! Luckily, the internet is full of software, and a lot of it says it’s free in big red letters! Isn't that great?!
No. That is not great.
Here’s the thing… most of the time, that “free” software is going to be a timed trial. You can use it a certain number of days or hours, and then it wants you to purchase the full version. Even worse, most of those programs are bundled with installers that will add several different programs to your computer that you didn't ask for. Those programs are often harmful to your computer, and are what we call “malware”.
Malware is actually a portmanteau… it’s short for “malicious software”. The actual definition of malware is “software that is intended to damage or disable computers and computer systems”. Those programs that you may have seen pop up wanting your credit card number to fix several thousand errors in your registry? Random things opening when you try to start up your favorite Internet browser that should never, ever be Internet Explorer? Yep, that’s malware.
Getting rid of malware isn't always easy (though sometimes it totally is; it depends on what’s on the computer and what you're willing to lose). The easiest thing to do is to just not get it in the first place! With this stuff sneaking its way onto your computer when you're trying to download innocent-looking software from reputable sites (even CNET is guilty of distributing the stuff now) how can you avoid it? How do you know if that file you want to download is safe or not?
That’s the best piece of advice I can give you. Put in a work order and let us know that you’re interested in a program, and where you found it online. We can download it and try it out first to make sure it’s safe. If it’s not, we'll let you know and might be able to suggest a similar, safer program that will do what you need to get done.
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