I provide a lot of professional development to others. I also attend a lot of professional development. I enjoy learning and love when I can help facilitate the learning of others. Recently, someone said something to me that made me really think about the methods of professional development that I typically deliver.
I've noticed that when attending tech type PD, STI PD generally rates skill sets for beginners, intermediates, or advanced. I am going to begin to host my PD sessions the same way. I do not want teachers to feel like I am assuming that they don't know certain things, but I want those that are struggling to feel like they can safely ask questions and have time to reflect. I also want our rock stars to be pushed to another level of excellence.
By now you are probably asking yourself as to why the heck I am saying all this. I do have a point and it IS tied to tech, I swear.
Recently I attended the ALEX Lesson Plan Summit sponsored by the Alabama State Department of Education. During that session, teachers from across the state were asked to submit lesson plans. Each lesson went through a very rigorous process of submission. The lessons we submitted had to be tied to standards, have clear outcomes, and include a technology component. You may find those lessons here. You may search by content area, then find your standard, and then find lessons that may help you to teach those standards.
While some of you are experts and may not need any additional lessons, some of you may be like me and like to glean ideas off others. If you are nervous about integrating technology into your lessons, just take a peek at these for lessons that infuse technology in a very easy way.
Shannon Bogert is a secondary curriculum specialist with the Tuscaloosa City Schools. Email her at the address mentioned above or connect with her on Twitter (@shannonbogert1).
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