Thursday, August 29, 2013

Choosing Concept and Caring Over Device and Requirements

People who have heard me speak recently concerning our own school district technology initiatives may remember an analogy and model I have used. I have employed this model to illustrate the target at which we need to aim, in our district and as educators in general. The model consists of a "Golden Circle," three concentric circles. The inner-most circle contains the word "Why," the second "How," and the outer circle "What." In aiming at the center of the target, we must clearly define the "Why" we are engaging in this thing we call education.

I borrowed the model from a TEDx Puget Sound talk by Simon Sinek. If you would like to view the whole talk, I have posted it below:

A key portion of Mr. Sinek's talk hinges on Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.'s I Have a Dream speech. It is interesting that I find myself writing this post on the 50th anniversary of that historic moment. Sinek powerfully points out, "People do not buy what you do. They buy why you do it." Dr. King, he says, gave the, "I have a Dream" speech not the "I have a Plan" speech.

Why do you go to work every day?

As a leader in our district, I want to challenge others to define why we do what we do. Our technology initiatives should then follow those values. If we can agree, we are all invested in helping students fulfill their purpose and the dreams they have.

New technology devices and services are coming. I challenge you to choose caring for your students and equipping them with skills to meet world prepared. The journey you take with your students will involve technology. What matters is why, how, and what the people do, not the device.

Chris Jenks is the instructional technology coordinator for the Tuscaloosa City Schools.  Follow him on Twitter, where he goes by @chrisjenks.

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